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Soul Medicine

Awakening Your Inner Blueprint for Abundant Health and Energy

by Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D., and Dawson Church, Ph.D.
Foreword by Caroline Myss


“Soul Medicine may be the most encouraging book I’ve ever read. Just as the validation of quantum mechanics turned science head-over-heels, so have numerous scientific discoveries overthrown much of allopathic medical beliefs. The authors use the term soul unapologetically, and with the understanding that it is “a personalized expression of the universal field… as opposed to physical or mental form.” Authors Shealy and Church carry credentials solid enough to support their proposition. Together they’ve produced an outstanding work that provides thoughtful evaluation of several alternative healing therapies, delivered in a user-friendly and thoroughly convincing manner. Soul Medicine is a straight-talking guidebook for those who want more information about how alternative healing modalities work. It is also an inspiring and hopeful resource for those who want to take responsibility for their own physical, mental, and emotional well-being.”

—Deborah Adams, Myshelf.com, September 2008

Soul Medicine is a breakthrough guide to the most potentially powerful source of healing on the planet today: the human spirit. An innovative neurosurgeon and a pioneering health researcher are your trustworthy guides through the emerging landscape of energy medicine, which is unlocking remarkable new sources of healing that are accessible to every human being alive. They show that your consciousness holds the key to your well-being, and that small shifts in energy and awareness can produce major shifts in health. They look closely at the many faith healers of history, and trace the factors common to all miraculous healings. Based in solid science, and summarizing over one hundred recent research studies, Soul Medicine is the authoritative sourcebook for the most important new trend in medicine, one that has the potential to dramatically reduce suffering, extend life, and transform the health of our entire civilization.”

—USA Booknews

“Co-authored by Norman Shealy (a neurosurgeon and founding president of the American Holistic Medical Association) and Dawson Church (author and/or editor of more than two hundred books in the last twenty years), Soul Medicine provides the non-specialist general reader with an invaluable introduction to the concepts of energy healing.”

—Midwest Book Review, August 2006

“Soul Medicine is the perfect prescription for the healthcare crisis that is currently undermining our nation. In their compelling synthesis, Norm Shealy and Dawson Church skillfully interweave ancient wisdom, spiritual healing, and leading edge science in defining a credible foundation for the emerging practice of energy medicine. This book is a must-read, both for patients, and for professionals who are perplexed with the current state of healthcare.”

Bruce Lipton, Ph.D.
Cell biologist and best-selling author of The Biology of Belief

“Future generations, looking back, will regard conventional medicine during the twentieth century as being as limited as five-finger arithmetic. A new medicine is arising—one which embraces spirituality and consciousness as emphatically as conventional medicine has dismissed them. For a look at this medicine of the future, Norm Shealy and Dawson Church’s Soul Medicine is invaluable.”

—Larry Dossey, M.D.
The Extraordinary Healing Power of Ordinary Thing

“Long ago science and medicine inadvertently divorced themselves from spirituality in order to make room for discoveries that medieval religion would not allow. Now Shealy and Church have given us a beautiful gift in Soul Medicine. This book contains a lot of exciting information and returns the soul to its rightful place in medicine and the whole of science.”

—Fred Gallo, Ph.D.

“Chinese and East Indian medical practitioners have long known that there are underlying issues and cures available for dis-ease, and western medicine simply does not successfully address these issues. But the holistic approach is on the rise, and Soul Medicine brings to the forefront of our attention the critical issues of consciousness and intention. We can treat symptoms all day long, but until we start looking at how we think and what we believe about our bodies and illness, about health and how our bodies were designed to function perfectly we are not going to excape the patterns of fear and group belief that keep us stuck and sick. Keep a close eye on Church and Shealy. I think we will be seeing more of Soul Medicine.”


“Science is demonstrating that the greatest therapy for healing, youth and longevity may be inside you right now! This book is a guide to a potentially powerful source of healing: the human spirit. An innovative neurosurgeon and a pioneering health researcher are your trust-worthy guides through the emerging landscape of energy medicine, which is unlocking remarkable sources of healing, accessible to everyone. Their work shows that your consciousness holds the key to your well-being, and that small shifts in energy and awareness can produce major shifts in health. Soul Medicine is an authorative sourcebook for this most important new trend in medicine.”

Phoenix Rising

“Shealy, a neurosurgeon and Church, a clinical researcher, explain how future medicine can be more about the mind and spirit and less about medications! This book is well-researched, well-written and encapsulates the history of energy healing, its mechanisms, and a “how to” self-help tool for your own personal growth. There is a fabulous chapter on how acupuncture works in electromagnetic terms. “Magic precedes science”—I was fascinated to read about outstanding healers of our time in conjunction with medical research proving the effectiveness of energy trials. The book has many clinical and case studies that will educate you, and keep you turning pages for more information. It’s packed with interesting and empowering information to help you learn more. I thought I knew a lot about the mind, body, spirit, but was happy to discover new variations on the theme. This book is useful to the layperson, the medical community and anyone discouraged and dissatisfies with their western medicine protocols. Life can be so much more and this book discusses the how and why. Great read!”

Kathleen Albertson

“Norman Shealy and Dawson Church complement each other nicely in this lively and enlightening discussion on many of the roads to healing. Some chapters are authored by each, others appear (by implication of no identifying author) to have been written jointly.

The premise of soul medicine is this: We allow the perfect consciousness of health contained in the soul to express freely in the patient’s energy system. Through this intention, healing is triggered in heart, mind and body. (p. 31)

Shealy contributes his wealth of knowledge about medical aspects of Soul Medicine, including bioelectrical and nutritional therapies. What is most impressive about Shealy’s work, teaching and writing is that he walks his own talk. He checks out the therapies he recommends on himself, to the extent possible. What is even more impressive is that Shealy is looking younger each year, following the regimen he lays out in this and in his other books.

Church contributes his personal and researched understanding of the spiritual side of the healing spectrum, including several startling physical healings effected personally through spiritual healing.”

—Daniel Benor, M.D.
International Journal of Healing and Caring, September 2006

“The cutting edge of medicine today is not to be found in invasive therapies like drugs and surgeries. It is in the disciplines that used to be regarded as “soft” medicine: prayer, intention, energy healing, acupressure, and similar therapies. Overwhelming evidence from hundreds of scientific studies are showing that these safe, non- invasive approaches are often more effective, sometimes many times more effective, than conventional medicine.
Two of the pioneers in the field, Dr. Norman Shealy, founder of the American Holistic Medical Association and world-famous neurosurgeon, and Dr. Dawson Church, one of the foremost writers and researchers in vibrational healing and the editor or author of many books on the subject, explain the fundamentals of energy medicine, its many applications to common ailments, and the latest scientific research. Solidly grounded in scientific research, this book has the the very latest studies on the remarkable effectiveness of energy medicine. It previews exciting therapies can help conditions that are completely beyond the scope of conventional medicine, such as autoimmune diseases. And it develops the next stage of the ideas on DNA and consciousness found in Bruce Lipton’s best-seller, The Biology of Belief, and is endorsed by him.”

Energy Connections

Both intelligent and intriguing, Soul Medicine conveys that a vibrant spiritual connection is essential to wellness. The authors contend that there is a spiritual connection which is established in the consciousness and through intention which they state can alter the bodies’ energy field. You will find these principles described in the book as well as many scientific studies that demonstrate the power of consciousness to heal.

Norman Shealy, M.D., PH. D. is a neurosurgeon and is the founding president of the American Holistic Medical Association. And Dawson Church, PH. D., is currently researching Epigenetic Medicine, which is the exploration of the newest studies on the effects of the consciousness on DNA.

The entire book is so intriguing and engaging, but I will have to say that my favorite chapter is Chapter 10 entitled “Your Personal Soul Connection Inventory”. The author’s state that “a healthy relationship with your soul, and using soul medicine as primary care, is the best thing you can do for your body”. In this chapter they list characteristics which they have found to be common to people with a vibrant soul connection. The characteristics include all the following: forgiveness, tolerance, serenity, faith, reason, hope, motivation, consistency, community, joy, gratitude, and love, all of which are explained in detail. You will also find within this chapter that they include a soul connection inventory of 50 items in which you add up your own personalized score and interpret your own results.

Being a nurse, I know that stress affects the body, the more stress a person endures and has in their life, they eventually begin to adapt, thereby reducing our threshold for new stress is lowered which eventually causes a cascading effect on us. Stress plays a major role in disease, all of which is explained within Soul Medicine. The holistic approach to medicine is on the rise in our nation and Soul Medicine brings to our attention the issues of consciousness and intention.
The authors explain that your consciousness holds the key to our own well being, and that even small shifts in energy and awareness can produce major shifts in our health. They continue on and include a look at the history of faith healers, and trace the factors that were and are common to healings they term as “miraculous healings”.

Soul Medicine is intelligent and engaging, and I found it difficult to put down. A very highly recommended read for anyone who is interested in their health and well-being.”

Terry South
Quality Book Reviews, March 2007

Best Health Book Finalist
2008 Nautilus Book Awards
Best Health Book Finalist
2006 Best Books National Book Award

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